This is it of Spirituality- by Arun Khanal

This is it of Spirituality by Arun Khanal

From the back cover:

This book is the journey of possibilities that might guide one to evolve from an ordinary, limited, and deluded person trapped within the ego shell into a fully conscious being of unlimited possibilities, compassion, and insight. This book will try to introduce you to the ultimate truth of self-realization, there is nothing more than this in terms of self-realization. This is it!

There is a misunderstanding that spirituality is for a sage who is away from his materialistic world. Spirituality makes one realize their true self, which ultimately changes how one perceives the world. With the new perception, the inner world changes, and the outer or the materialistic world becomes more joyful than ever.

“We can all get benefited from spirituality in this crazy, busy, and overwhelming world we live in”

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INTRODUCTION (From the book)

One finds this book, and one is ready to read; that’s great, but why should one go through this book? There must be a reason to read it, isn’t it? Spirituality plays a vital role in success in worldly life. If you look at the most successful people in the world who have achieved the unachievable, they all are somehow into spirituality. Nichola Tesla, Albert Einstein, Michel Jackson, Steve Jobs, etc., are the celebrities who have directly confessed to the world how spirituality is a part of their lives. These people are the idols for worldly success, but people only try to get influenced by their materialistic lifestyle by imitating them. However, people aren’t aware of the spiritual dimension. Fulfilled materialistic lifestyle parallels a profound spiritual knowledge.  A little guide for the path of spirituality can change one’s life; when the perspective to the inner world changes, the outer world automatically becomes better. 


There is a sense of lack, loneliness, incompleteness, and fear of death in every human being; this is the fundamental unseen problem in everyone’s life. Who am I? What is the purpose of my life? I am, or am I not? Why is there emptiness in life? Why is this restlessness? Is it possible to find lasting joy and happiness in life? These are the common unseen problems in one’s life, but who will solve them? Where is the solution? Where is the answer? One can get the answer in the spiritual dimension, which is beyond time and space. 


There is a misunderstanding that spirituality is for a sage who is away from his materialistic world. Spirituality makes one realize their true self, which ultimately changes how one perceives the world. With the new perception, the inner world changes, and the outer or the materialistic world becomes more joyful than ever.  One shall reach their goal faster than ever; one starts to enjoy every aspect of their life, one knows how to direct one’s body and mind just ideally to achieve the unachievable in their life. When one’s mind and body are out of sync with one’s true self, it won’t matter how successful one becomes or what one has in their life, or who is their companion in life- one probably won’t enjoy any of it.


I wrote this book in the hope of keeping the truth in front of you. I wrote this book to present the essence of spirituality so that you do not get misguided in the name of spirituality, in the name of getting the ultimate. I am writing this book referencing “Astavakra Gita” adding practical meditation techniques. Mind that Astavakra Gita is not of any religion. Although the spiritual dimension is the same in almost all religious books, I didn’t choose any other scriptures and chose this; why? I will answer this in the first chapter. Although I chose Astavakra Gita to reference some verses, I will connect the dots of self-realization explained by many enlightened beings.



This book is the journey of possibilities that might guide one to evolve from an ordinary, limited, and deluded person trapped within the ego shell into a fully conscious being of unlimited possibilities, compassion, and insight. This book will try to introduce you to the ultimate truth of self-realization. I cannot confirm that the reader surely will get into the depth of the spiritual dimension of the book that I have tried to touch; luckily, if one gets, it might lead to the ultimate truth of self-realization, commonly called enlightenment. This book will guide you on how to start the spiritual journey, what to expect and whatnot, and possibly give you the ultimate end, which could be called the end conclusion of spirituality. After reading this book, you might feel like there is no stone unturned in terms of self-realization. This is it!