Love and relationship are poles apart

Note: This post is completely philosophical as love has been the most loved philosophical title ever.

Love and Relationship

The modern world today thinks love and relationship are the same things. If you are in love with someone you must be in a relationship and if you are in a relationship then you must be in love with the one you are in a relationship with, that’s how modern society has conceptualized the idea of love and relationship.

Now let’s generalize how someone gets into a relationship. You like someone for any cause, and you start to feel something good out of it when you are together. When you love someone, you feel good spending time with that person and you wish you get that feeling later in your life as well. One is so concerned about the future or simply tomorrow that one wants the assurance his lover will be available to him tomorrow as well to spend a good time. Now the idea of a relationship comes into play! It is simply out of fear that your beloved one will leave you, it has no correspondence to love! One wants assurance that his lover will be available for him tomorrow also and he creates bondage of relationship which has a set of rules that once in a relationship you must be available most of the time.

Love allows freedom, but the relationship gives you bondage. Relationship comes with predetermined sets of expectations. Once you are in a relationship you have expectations at every level possible, and the nature of expectations can never be fulfilling, and when one’s expectations don’t meet, the man-made relationship gets into trouble.

What is the point of this article then? Is it indicating that the relationship is bad? Not at all. It’s just about awareness; in the name of a relationship will one forget the actual cause of the relationship that was LOVE? Will LOVE get suppressed due to rules and regulations of relationships that one has to follow? Think once!

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